Friday, May 6, 2011

First Impressions Friday (1)

First Impressions Friday is a meme/feature that I have decided to host. I have scoured the internet and not found something quite like this and I hope it will get off the ground and running. It started from the idea that when it comes to books, your first impression can vary greatly from your overall review when you're finished; sometimes the difference can be as vast as daylight and dark. But that isn't all this is about its about first impressions on reading a book (i.e. the first couple chapters), new book covers (judging a book by its cover!), book to movie adaptations, and much more. This can be done by non-bloggers in the comments and by bloggers who aren't book bloggers. I can also include button coding if anyone is interested.


Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Part 2 Trailer 
First Impressions

Wow! PHENOMENAL! If Warner Brothers wanted to end the series leaving an imprint on the American film-goer, this is the way to do it. Knowing that Part 1 was spectacular and true to the book, Part 2 can only get better with the action and unveiling of the plot we have (okay, I have read all the books) waited years to see. This movie is going to be my very first IMAX experience and I know that it will be an emotional ride of amazement and heartbreak. Watching the end of the series be so fantastic makes me wish JK Rowling had been in the passenger seat this whole time. 

This trailer will give you chills and leave you squealing and wanting more; its absolutely a great teaser to an epic piece of cinematography. 

For most of the entire Harry Potter series, it has been a great book to movie adaptation (oh and amusement park!) but there have been hiccups along the way but THIS, this trailer/movie is not one of them.

What are your first impressions? Feel free to leave them in the comments and if you do your own post, leave the link and I will check it out!

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