Monday, January 9, 2012

2011 Challenges Come to an End

Challenges are a great and exciting way to expand your reading horizons and push yourself to new reading goals. Sometimes, like most challenges in life, we succeed and sometimes we don't! In 2011, when I started book blogging and getting back to reading, I joined in several challenges and then picked up a couple more I found them. I had my accomplishments and my not so successful challenges; but taking the experience from the first time, I intend to work on being 100% successful.

2011 Incomplete Challenges

Dystopian Challenge
This was a great way to delve into the world of dystopian literature. I overestimasted a little bit, my eyes were bigger than my reading capacity, while I would have completed the Level 1, I barely skimmed the Level 2 goal of 15 by reading 7 books. This included all three of the Forest of Hands & Teeth, Hunger Games, Catching Fire, Divergent, and Wither. I still have an entire list of books that I plan on reading from this genre including hot picks like Enclave, Matched, Delirium and much more.
Steampunk Challenge
Another challenge that was about me getting my feet wet in a new genre and even though I fell in love with the genre, I simply didn't get around to reading anything other than Clockwork Angel and The Strange Case of Finley Jayne. Already reading one for 2012, Clockwork Prince!

Zombie Challenge
Reading only three out of five of the challenge for books about zombie, the books were the three selections from The Forest of Hands and Teeth. It was very enjoyable even if the books weren't necessarily the best selections.

2011 Completed Challenges

2011 Goodreads Challenge
A whole slew of new books,I set the bar pretty low because I didn't quite now how my reading speed would cross over to reading and blogging, but I managed 35/35, just in the nick of time too, eventually I got very bad at time management.

First in Series Challenge
 As a lover of series, this challenge was easy to complete, I also read more than was necessary because it seems like every book is a series these days; finding a stand-alone is a feat. I read tons of first in series and have recently applied the same knowledge to a project at the library for a staff recommendation list. I really enjoyed this challenge.

A 10 book challenge for vampires, faeries, and more? Yes, please! Out of the 16 books I had listed as possible options, I read 13 of them and loved every bit of it!

I intend to succeed at more challenges this year and expand my horizons! No time to dwell on things that didn't get done, just time to do better!

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